Serenade To The Stars
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Serenade To The Stars-Cindy Lea Casperson DRK-139

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This young star shines on flute and piano arrangements of several classical pieces. Two of her own award-winning originals highlight Cindy's first professional release. A portion of the proceeds of these CD sales is donated to the Western New York Advocacy for the Developmentally Disabled, an organization helping the disabled and their families.

Song List/Times

  1. Concerto Op. 107 (C. Chaminade) 7:53
  2. Sound Clip Serenade To The Stars (C. Chaminade) 4:52
  3. Concerto in G major (Quantz) 8:30
  4. Sonata in A minor (C. P. E. Bach) 3:31
  5. Dance of the Goat (Honegger) 3:45
  6. Hungarian (MacDowell) 2:05
  7. Sound Clip Scottish Heather C. Casperson) 1:25
  8. Nocturne in E minor (Chopin) 4:15
  9. Spanish Garden (C. Casperson) 3:12
Cindy Lea Casperson: Flute Selections 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5.
Susan Soehner: Piano Selections 1, 2, & 3.
Cindy Lea Casperson: Piano Selections 6, 7, 8, & 9.
Recorded at Dynamic Recording in June and July of 1994.
Produced by Dave Kaspersin

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